

Sunday, January 27, 2013

phat cat the cat nip fend lol

Hello all the is a kitty post lol i was just giving my new phat cat cat nip lol . He love love loves his cat nip lol it just so fucking cute pardon my langue . After this cat gets a pinch a cat nip hes like woah man lol its so cute he starts purring like crazy i love this cat . Now im not a crazy cat lady lol i own only one cat . my bf's mom and one cat too i consider him mine too. Im the one he wakes up  6am to feed him .  ( His names pootie )

Here are some pictures of me and phat cat yes that is his name . He's a fat cat but so we call phat like cool cat  but phat cat . Its a phat name wouldn't you say lol .

Saturday, January 26, 2013

cowl....... deadpool glove update .

Hello this a update on the deadpool gloves . Ive got the the first one made now ive decided to knit them and crochet the black part and sew a white button has the white part . i think it will turn out much better ..  I will how ever try again to make a pair of crocheted finger-less gloves. Well thats all for the deadpool gloves now on to my first cowl .

I made this the other day i started it at 10:30 am . i chain the height that i wanted it to be the continued to crochet like i was doing a scarf crocheting 6 rows the switching the colors. Then once it fit a little past snug and sealed it . This is what i ended up with i hope you like what i made .

Sunday, January 20, 2013

deadpool gloves turn into a small book cozy lol

well i tried to make finger less glove with crochet but i made it 6 stitches too big . So i turned it into a small book cozy . lol I might just add a strap and a button and a loop to hook on to the button lol at least it wasn't a waste .

Heres the pictures enjoy and tell me what you think. :)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

hat / deadpool gloves crocheted

Well my knitting and crocheting friends as ive  said before in a few other post ive been trying to make a hat by knitting or crocheting im just not having any luck. I think im just not focusing enough . Ill take a break from it for now . I wont give up . right now im going to try and crochet my first pair of finger less gloves . Now i did make finger less gloves with knitting but i want try it with crochet . the glove ill be making are going to be of a marvel character called "deadpool".  i post pictures as i go along to show you how im doing it.

the yarn im using is a worsted weight red yarn i chain 31 stitches and started in the second chain . that's all ive go so far more on this later thanks for reading .

nerdy moose knitter out :)

Mount Katahdin

Here are some pictures of mount katadin . Isn't pretty ? The day we moved up here on the drive to our new home we stop at the little stop that looked across to that mt . Its such a wonderful view well with out further adue  .

Saturday, January 12, 2013

tiny egg picture

Well here you go as promised .i dont know if this was a good enough picture it would be alot easier to tell if you were holding it and another egg in hand .

Friday, January 11, 2013

pride and prejudice /crocheting a hat and a tiny egg

Well hello bloggers and blog reader knitters and crocheters today is a nice warm 27* degree day so far and i am trying to crochet a basic girls hat nothing special i picked Wool-ease chunky yarn  178 nantucket it is a grey color . cross your fingers for me . i hope i can i have not had any luck with hats in both kintting and crocheting well i made three or four with crochetting but that was dumb luck .

As i said today is a nice 27 * and im now watching the movie pride and prejudice and trying to make my first hat . This movie is one of my favorite moive's that and little women. I have cute news on the farm front my littlest chicken ginger laid her first egg and it was so tiny . Ill have to take a picture and post it for you all to see . 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

maroon scarf photos

Here's the photos for the maroon scarf. I know it looks plain jane but it is for a man so i wanted to make it simple .

the cow jumps over the moon

Ok ok! not the moon but the fence lol Wait let me start from the beginning i woke up at seven this morning and ate a bowl a cereal and got ready to take care of the animals an do some moving around .  Well when i was about ready to go down stairs to take a break and warm up ( 11* out )  i look at my turkeys and my baby bull ( well he slowly is not looking like a baby no more) i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me .  I went out to normans pen and he hopped the fence to be with the turkeys. I'm like holy poop gosh darn it norman . Talk about a crazy morning .

Okay i think my next  crocheting projects going to be a hat for my bf zach . Now i made a few other hat this way with out really trying  only three turned out okay . I made this ninja turtles one for me 2 year`old nephew  he loved it and it fit him yay .  The other two are stealers hat one for a girl an the other a baby lol . I was really trying to me slipper for my brother for xmas . lol. Its hard to do that with out him here to trying them on as i make them lol . Oh well at least they turn in to some thing right?

this is all for now ill post the pic of the maroon scarf soon thanks for reading

Friday, January 4, 2013

Time scarf new year farm life

Hello all i would love to tell you what im working on but im not working on any thing i have not had the time to knit or crochet any thing . well i knitted two rows of this maroon bulky yarned scarf  
for some one i used to work for . Its nothing crazy just a straight knit I'm almost done i started this scarf almost a year ago . I normally don't start a project and not finish it but with the move and things in boxes i forgot about it . Now that i found it i have one more ball to add to it and its done and ready to ship. I  have to say i enjoy making scarfs its a simple and relaxing .

Well its 2013 and  i don't feel any different. I'am looking forward to seeing what the new year brings me and an other's around me . I don't have any type of new year resolution planed i don't think I'm going to . I don't think there's any good reason to promise not to eat this or do that or be this or not be this I'm sure a lot of people flake out half way threw it . But for those who go threw with it way to go .

So on to the farm . Today was a quite day i got up and went out in this crazy cold weather and fed my jersey bull norman . Before i could do that i had to get the door to open with how cold it is it gets stuck and wont close cause mr. norman does his business and it freeze's . I check on the turkeys and then the chickens and see if they need water and if they laid any eggs . i think it was seven today since that three day epic egg laying they did they've been dropping down to seven eight . It could also be be cause its to cold for them and not every one wants to lay . well thats all on my farm report . W ith the winter here there's no much news with farm out side .

HEY  one more thing before i end this post of my knitting thought and whats on my mind about this new year and my farm thought's . Ill post a picture with the scarf im working on .