

Saturday, February 23, 2013

fun day in the snow

cheese !!

im just saying i look chunky for this angle :( lol 




mix of crocodile dun dee and bird dance ?  

Thursday, February 21, 2013

stumped /life

Hello all ! Im sorry to report i don't have a project to share with you all . I'm having a slump period  for ideas on things to make i  want to make some thing new but i don't know what. Well i have one thing i want to make but i had two failed attempted but i feel with a third try i should get it . I'm going to start it like i did the bubbie cowl . Im going to make it wider how much not sure. Oh i should tell you im making a skirt . I hope it turns out well. When ever i get to making it ill start taking pictures and when im done ill post it . I've been learning as much as i can with the knitting and crocheting seems like more crocheting theses days but i find i can do more things faster but i still want to learn more about knitting .

 Its gotten warmer out its been staying in the 30's which is wonderful . I know that still some cold for some of you but for the people up here and in cold places thats like spring time weather. I think we have till may then we'll be in the clear . This is my first winter up here so im not sure . but once the snow stops and melt we can really get to building . I cant wait to start getting chicken egg ready to be hatched  i  love babies  there so cute but then they grow up to be big shit machines lol the turkeys are the worst . lol Tho my bull norman takes shit the size of two big cans of peas lol  I cant wait till we have a female .

I wish there was more to report  but with the winter still here theres not much to do in the winter. I Hope some time soon ill have a skirt to show you all.

Friday, February 15, 2013

kitchen towel /life

Right  now I'm working on a kitchen hand towel . I didnt follow any pattern I'm just going until i find it to be a proper size . Im trying to get threw my stash to get more yarn better yarn . I like the red heart worsted weight yarn i find it to be best for thos  softies projects . I would love to get some in every color so when i go to make a project i dont have to be stuck i dont about you  but that bugs me . I like to iron out a project and get every thing but some time i come up with one on the fly with out getting every thing i need . The only to places to get yarn thats a hour or 2 hour way is mardens walmart and this tiny shop in the next town over . Other wise i have to go online and buy some with can hold a project up for a week if not 2 . I have one project in mind but ill talk about that when i plan on doing it .

So the winter is getting a little bit warmer at the moment its been spiking in the 30"s some days 20's  but trust me that begins to feel like spring to me . When it drops down into the 10s and the -0s ( that's just a example . We've only lost one chicken to the cold we still have all of our turkey and just found out we have one female maybe three the other two look just like the female so im guessing . I was so excited that we have a female . i cant wait to have her start laying then we can hatch some babies . Normans still fine growing bigger and bigger . He's so fluffy its so cute if i ever get another jersey and its a boy ill call him simba . Like from the lion king . Its just what speaks to me when i look at normans face . Im looking forward to the spring coming to we can get the animals into there new home we have planned for them and i an wait to start getting eggs ready to be hatched . I guess for a city girl all this stuff is very exciting .

vday gloves

Hello what I'm going to show you is a pair of finger less gloves i made the other day . They are valentines day inspired put my antique key collection in with it to represent the key to my hear Aww cute i know .  I wish i would have posted this yesterday would have been a great blog post . 

This is a very simple way to make finger less i cast on about 24 26 stiches then knit until i have the size i want it to be . I can also change the pattern and make it more detailed i could do a rib stich pattern to make the cuff look more appealing on the wrist .

Monday, February 11, 2013

bald eagle sack doll

Hey here i have a bald eagle i made for my father he's an eagles fan . I didn't follow any pattern i designed this my self . I'm going redo this again this is only my first try. Next time im going to make it more life like .
hope you like it dad :)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

ninjas fly on the back of a bald eagle

Hello all what i have in-store for  is a photo of a project i made two days ago been a busy few days could getting this up sooner . This is my pattern i thought id make a ninja to see how well it would come out it didnt turn out to bad but with any thing there's always room for improvement .  Heres the photo .

My next little project im working  on is a bald eagle  for my father hes an eagles  fan . im looking forward to coming up with how im going to do this . Ill start working on this today starting with the head the working my way down till i get it right .

Monday, February 4, 2013

other bubie cowl pictures

bubie cowl

Hello all the cowl that im about to show you is a design of my own this took me about a week . I used a strawberry and tweedy mint color worsted weight yarn. I made this for my mama enlaw i had already made here some winter things in this yarn and since i was starting to get into making cowls this is may second one i wanted to make this with a hood . im very surprised how good it turned out .

Saturday, February 2, 2013

finished deadpool gloves

        Hey all , well i finally finished the deadpool gloves .  I knitted and crocheted
this project.  The glove itself  was knitted just in the knt stitch . I knitted 19 rows the closed off .
As for the deadpool symbol i crocheted that and started with the white then the black the red then i sewed it on it . I think it turned out great but im sure at some point im going to come back to it and redo it . Here are the pictures i hope you like it .