Hello all ! Im sorry to report i don't have a project to share with you all . I'm having a slump period for ideas on things to make i want to make some thing new but i don't know what. Well i have one thing i want to make but i had two failed attempted but i feel with a third try i should get it . I'm going to start it like i did the bubbie cowl . Im going to make it wider how much not sure. Oh i should tell you im making a skirt . I hope it turns out well. When ever i get to making it ill start taking pictures and when im done ill post it . I've been learning as much as i can with the knitting and crocheting seems like more crocheting theses days but i find i can do more things faster but i still want to learn more about knitting .
Its gotten warmer out its been staying in the 30's which is wonderful . I know that still some cold for some of you but for the people up here and in cold places thats like spring time weather. I think we have till may then we'll be in the clear . This is my first winter up here so im not sure . but once the snow stops and melt we can really get to building . I cant wait to start getting chicken egg ready to be hatched i love babies there so cute but then they grow up to be big shit machines lol the turkeys are the worst . lol Tho my bull norman takes shit the size of two big cans of peas lol I cant wait till we have a female .
I wish there was more to report but with the winter still here theres not much to do in the winter. I Hope some time soon ill have a skirt to show you all.