

Saturday, March 23, 2013

breakfast any one

 hello all today i have a yummy crocheted project i threw together in a two days i  thought it be a cute thing to make . i hope you all like it .
 Todays menu  is two eggs sunny side up .
 Two juicy strips of bacon.

And to finish off this breakfast french toast 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

biker gloves

Hello so today ive semi cured my boredom i finish my Halloween biker gloves which when i make a  display area ill post them on my esty shop. which if your just tuning into my blog the . My shops closed right now till i do that thing . but if you see these and want to buy the now ill open my page for you if you want to see more things ive made comment here and ill post a bunch of pictures . I call these biker gloves cuz thats what i think of when  i look at them .

Right now I'm working on a chirstmas version . Now i know i should be working on a easter of  i should have made some thing for st pats i forgot about that day lol Im not a huge drinker and theres no bar in this town at least none that im aware of . If i were back in Nj i would have gone to the bar my family has gone to for years . Great place good food cool barviroment  lol 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Yes im titling this blah cause Im just that awesome or bored both are so very true.ZZZzzzzz

It's just one of those times were i just dont feel like doing any thing and i want so badly to do some thing but i just don't know what . As I stare over at my baby duckies im still wondering what the fuck to do i hope you were expecting  me to say some amazing or come up with some thing exciting.  . If YES your shit out of luck . See the picture below that would be exciting right now tho id rather be riding in the tadris.

This" police box" is the tardis its a  time lord space craft clocked to look like the British police box  . Maybe ill watch that but not the new the 1963 to some time in the 80's . the only doc so far i dont like it the first one boring . Its not the fact the its black an white it just hes boring i loving some if not most b&w films i couldnt name any id watch alot of them when i was sick when i was young . well my laptops going to die soon so i leave with this hope this made you laugh in some way . i wish i could right more but i just dont know wht else to right about .  IF ANY ONE WHO READS THIS HAS ANY NONE DIRTY IDEA PLEASE SHARE 

 the wonderfully amazing nerdy moose knitter

Saturday, March 16, 2013

new babies

OK OK so me and my mother enlaw went to the local farm an tractor and were going to pick up two new breeds of baby chicks and then we say this lady and her two  girls and they had just bought a baby sheep awwwww sooooooo  cute  it nibbled on my fingers too cute i cant say it enough .  We went to the farm with the sheep and o my goodness there was more babies black ones and white ones . I wish i could have bought one or two but there not old enough .  Since i couldn't get one we went back to get some check and i also got some baby duckies . They are just the cutest things .I wanted to get one every since the tv show Friends and the guy joey had  pet chicken and a duck well i already had chickens so the duckies were in order . ;)
just wanted to include a nice pic of phat cat on the hay 

they took to that water like the ducks they are .sooo cute 

these guys here are the foghorns 

quack quack 

Friday, March 15, 2013

book store buys and thoughts

Hello so today is a none knitting and crocheting post day instead ill tell you about my book buying adventure . I had a doctors appointment the other day it was later in the day but i wanted to get into town early enjoy a nice day out i go my chicks and turkeys and the bull all fed an cared for went in and did a few things in some of the stores in town which was nice . What made it extra nice was the warmth i think it was in the 40's which after having - 5 and 6 degree days was a wonderfully  warm treat ." Trust me "! The last thing we did be for i had my appointment was go to the book store that was a few buldings over .This place had nice books for a great prices.  I bought 3  books myself and my bf bought me the crazy awesome book called the "CHOCOLATE AND COFFEE BIBLE " i my gosh theres sooooo many thing in here i want to make . Actually im going threw it right now and post it ing ( i think thats right )  marking down all the things i want to make .  I also found some great knitting and crochet books there for a great price . i cant wait to make some of the things in the book . Tho i have so many things i wish so make some things out of my skill level at a time . Thats one of the things i love about knitting and crocheting so many possibilities .

well thats all for now time to feed the animals

Sunday, March 10, 2013

my first baby blanket .

Hello all it is a wonderfully warm and sunny here in in northern maine . I've been working on a project the past few days with the yarn my mother sent up for me i love the colors she sent up . I decided to work three of the colors into a baby blanket now its not for me or any one else right now but i thought it be good practice . I cast on 100 stitches knitted the first row then i proceeded o knit the double rib stitch .  this took me about four days i think alot faster then i thought I'm happy about that tho . The next thing i plan on making is some thing with granny squares i hope . I never really know what im going to make i just take a shot some times i start making one thing then it turns into something else .  

here are the pictures of my first baby blanket .


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

easter st pats thoughts

Hello hows every my crazy awsome readers . With st pats and easter coming up i was wondering what to do for it every since christmas ended i feel like im in a small project slump . Now my wonderful mother sent me up some easter colored yarn . There are some great colors in the box. I've decided to make and easter baby blanket and some time in the future i plan to make a clover granny square blanket .

Now back to the easter baby blanket im doing it in the the double rib stitch . Im using the red heart super saver yarn . The colors are lavender a magno ish orange pinkish yarn lol and a ice blue . Okie at this point im not sure if its Eastery any more ? lol Well i guess its just a plan baby blanket . The colors look really good together im doing five rows of each .  I hope i have enough yarn for it well if i dont i know were to get it .