Yes im titling this blah cause Im just that awesome or bored both are so very true.ZZZzzzzz
It's just one of those times were i just dont feel like doing any thing and i want so badly to do some thing but i just don't know what . As I stare over at my baby duckies im still wondering what the fuck to do i hope you were expecting me to say some amazing or come up with some thing exciting. . If YES your shit out of luck . See the picture below that would be exciting right now tho id rather be riding in the tadris.
This" police box" is the tardis its a time lord space craft clocked to look like the British police box . Maybe ill watch that but not the new the 1963 to some time in the 80's . the only doc so far i dont like it the first one boring . Its not the fact the its black an white it just hes boring i loving some if not most b&w films i couldnt name any id watch alot of them when i was sick when i was young . well my laptops going to die soon so i leave with this hope this made you laugh in some way . i wish i could right more but i just dont know wht else to right about . IF ANY ONE WHO READS THIS HAS ANY NONE DIRTY IDEA PLEASE SHARE
the wonderfully amazing nerdy moose knitter